Posted in Crafting, DIY, Holiday Baking, Holiday Goodies, the Grinch

Gingerbread Creation Showdown:  Gum Paste Sculpting and Color Mixing

So as it turns out, I am not the Cake Boss! 😉  They’re having a gingerbread house competition at my son’s school and since I have gotten better at sculpting miniatures I had Cake Boss dreams of sweeping the floor with my competition after winning the pumpkin decorating contest in October! 😂😂  So I decided that I would make a Grinch Who Stole Christmas entry and sculp him with gum paste (modeling chocolate).

Since I like to try new things, but am always trying to lower my cost I tried to substitute powdered food coloring with Jell-O – BAD IDEA!  Definitely just use gel food coloring.  I am lucky I had some on hand.  The Jell-O concoction is grainy and pale.  I’m not sure what the trick to this stuff is, but my four and a half years old was impressed and since the judges are his peers my fingers are crossed that I have a shot at winning.

Did the decorating of the house with my son and made Max the dog to sit on the roof.  We used a premade gingerbread kit since these are not my forte and it’s not a rule violator.   The icing bag broke and made a huge mess.  I guess I will have to make my own later on, oh well.  Happy crafting and Merry Grinchmas! 😉


Working mother with a toddler that inspired me to give crafting a try and suddenly I fell in love with the Hobby and I am determined to help others find this joy too!

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