Posted in A Pirate Party Recipe, Crafting, DIY, DIY Birthday Parties, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Kids Birthday Parties, Pinata, Pirate Party, Pirate Party!, Pirate Ship, Uncategorized

How to Create Your Own Pirate Ship Piñata

I am CRAZY about DIY birthday parties for children.  Just before my son turned 1 I decided that we just had to do an over the top DIY Dr. Seuss party and I was going to make the stuff all by myself.  After the first two birthday parties I had finally figured out DIY takes time to pull off your big ideas and so now that my son is finally 3 going on 33 I start planning his party almost immediately after the last one.  Next year for his 4th birthday we are planning a pirate party and of course that needed the perfect piñata! Continue reading “How to Create Your Own Pirate Ship Piñata”